Sunday 22 January 2012

Framed Crochet

My mother used to crochet (and knit) a lot, until she got arthritis in her hands.  Now I enjoy what she's given me in the last 20 years in the ways of doilies, or better known as dust collectors.  Now and then she would start something but never finished it, so in a bag and into the cupboard it went and never to be seen again - until recently.  She gave me a bunch of old and unfinished doily pieces that she had intended to sew together but just didn't get around to doing so.  So what can I do with these sweet little things?  Frame them, of course!

Let's begin the tutorial.

You'll need your crochet piece / pieces, some dark fabric (ironed) for the backing and a picture frame with glass.

First cut out your fabric exactly the same width and length as the inside of your frame.  To make this easy, just carefully take out the glass from the frame, place it on top of your ironed fabric, trace around it with white chalk then cut it out - make sure you have sharp scissors because you don't want yukky edges.

Now make sure your glass is nice and clean - especially the side that you'll be placing your doilies onto, then place it back into the frame and arrange your little doilies how you'd like them on top; meaning the inside of the frame that is facing you.  Don't forget to place the good side of the doilies downwards, so the bad side is facing you when you are arranging them on the glass.

When you're happy with your design, place the ironed fabric on top as carefully as possible and try your best not move your doilies, then place the frame backing on.  Before securing the frame backing, pick up the frame securely and have a look at what the front looks like, then if you're happy with what you see, pop the frame backing on.

Tip;  My doilies and fabric kept sliding a little which meant I had to place a thick layer of cardboard between the fabric and frame backing.

And there you go - one cute way of preserving your mother's (or aunt's, or sister's, or yours, or whom evers!) lovely doilies!

Well, crafty me!

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