Thursday 19 January 2012

Fimo Earrings

When I was in my teens in the 80's *cough, cough*, I thought I was very clever and crafty.  There were times when I couldn't believe just how darn crafty I really was, and then there were times when I just horrified myself.  Yet, the later never stopped me from having fun.

I had discovered 'Fimo' (or polymere clay) back then and I really went to town with the stuff... I just couldn't get enough of it and made all sorts of things which I won't go into, but my favorite thing to do with it was make earrings.  Lot's were destroyed as the years passed, so I don't have a lot to show you today unfortunately - and maybe that's a very good thing.

But I can show you these;

Not the prettiest things as you can see AND I had passed them onto my mother back then.  She pass them back just recently and I was horrified - not because she gave them back, but because I had forgotten just how unattractive they were.  Did I blame her for not wearing them?  Not one bit!

Ok, they are not totally horrifying, but they aren't pretty either.  :(

Well, crafty me!

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