Saturday 5 May 2012

 Oh goodness.  Where have I been?  I certainly haven't been to London to visit the Queen.  

It's time to get back on track!

Today I'll share an interesting little secret about me.  I'm weird.  At least what's what some people have thought about me in the past - but unsure if it's true now.

Weird :  When somebody looks at you and / or your mind and either doesn't agree with you or doesn't 'get it' simply because they are closed minded and lack imagination.  It could even be that the person is jealous.

Usually people like that are stuck in a closed box and unable to punch out of it because they can't see a bigger picture.  They lack empathy, are judgmental and unaccepting of most things and people around them.  It's heartbreaking, isn't it?
I mean... heartbreaking because of how much time they are wasting thinking like that, when they could be enjoying somebody else's creativity or different thinking.  Boo to them.

But life is too short to believe that your ways are the only right ways!  Shame on all of us for thinking like that!   On the flip-side, I've learned to be more accepting of people in the past few years.  I think to myself 'oh whatever, who cares, they are who they are and as long as they are happy, my judgment won't matter to them and SHOULD'NT matter to them.'   And after all, they are the ones that live happily without worrying about what other people think.

Now, there are the big weirdo's and there are the little weirdo's.  I like to believe that I fall under the little weirdo's category.  Here's an example;

Back in the early eighties when I had some kind of sense of humour and adventure, I loved to make things out of Fimo.  For those who don't know what it is, go have a look, then come back: FIMO

Now that you know....
It was all the rage back then and I loved making cute things, and some not so cute things.  I came up with an idea after I was rolling some little coloured balls out of the stuff.  How and why the idea came to my head, I do not know.  But gosh I thought I was clever at the time:

I ended up calling it ' Pick Me's '.  Weird, right?  And why did I call it Pick Me's?  Simply because I could imagine all of them looking up at me and calling out pick me!, pick me! (to pick them up).  Notice how grotty and dirty it is?  Please don't forget that this is from the early 80's and it's been knocked around in various places and amongst various stuff in boxes.

Now you understand my mind little more, aren't I simply fascinating??  I hope I haven't frightened anybody off with my interestingly odd mind.

Well, crafty me!